Create a Custom Metric

Create a Custom Metric

This module demonstrates how to create custom metrics using triggers, and details how to edit and visualize these metrics in the web UI.

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About this course

By the end of this module, you will be able to:
1) Identify the available source types and data types for custom metrics
2) Build a trigger to create a custom metric
3) Edit custom metric details in the Metric Catalog
4) Visualize custom metrics in a dashboard

Course Contents7 min

  • Create a Custom Metric

    Create a Custom Metric video

  • Create a Custom Metric Video 7 min
  • Additional Resources

    Links to ExtraHop Documentation and/or relevant articles

  • Additional Resources
  • Create a Custom Metric Quiz

    Create a Custom Metric knowledge check quiz

  • Create a Custom Metric Quiz
  • End of Course Survey

About this course

By the end of this module, you will be able to:
1) Identify the available source types and data types for custom metrics
2) Build a trigger to create a custom metric
3) Edit custom metric details in the Metric Catalog
4) Visualize custom metrics in a dashboard

Course Contents7 min

  • Create a Custom Metric

    Create a Custom Metric video

  • Create a Custom Metric Video 7 min
  • Additional Resources

    Links to ExtraHop Documentation and/or relevant articles

  • Additional Resources
  • Create a Custom Metric Quiz

    Create a Custom Metric knowledge check quiz

  • Create a Custom Metric Quiz
  • End of Course Survey